Adjustable Exoskeletons Redux

This mod adds a slider to control the speed bonus of your exoskeletons at will, that automatically shows and hides itself along with your inventory or armor grid while you have any legs equipped.

1 year, 28 days ago

b Crash on GUI click

6 months ago

Hi. I just got the following crash.

Since I already got a similar crash with another mod and the mod author was convinced that this error was caused by your mod, I'm here first this time. It would be great if this could be fixed.

6 months ago

What were you doing when you got this error?

Were you in an options menu, clicking my mod's slider, an element from that other mod's UI, opening the inventory...
I can tell at least one of the two mods is getting confused about stuff involving the UI of the other, so context would help a lot with pinning down what's going on here exactly.

6 months ago

In this case, I clicked on one of the two buttons that are available from the other mod at the start of the game. It doesn't matter which one you click to get the crash.

There is also this other crash that was just as strange.
I had changed the requested bot in the settings. This caused this crash. However, it didn't appear again after a few times. So unfortunately I don't know exactly what the problem could have been.

If you need any more information, please let me know.

New response