Actual Craft Times Remade deprecated

by Pawz

I've always had a hard time figuring out how many of this or that is needed to get Y, so here's a mod to help us all out! Taking into account the bonuses applied to the various things that can get bonuses, this mod will you show you exactly how fast your assemblers could be crafting!

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g same ?

4 years ago

why don't you work together to improve a single mod by distributing the tasks, you will be able to have less time worries and update the mods more often (if necessary)

is there a real difference between your two mods?

4 years ago

Did you read the description for this mod?

4 years ago

and i'm not sure understand what are the difference with actual craft time ?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

and i'm not sure understand what are the difference with actual craft time ?

-- Both mods take into account beacons and modules.

This one works a bit differently:
-- Can be hidden into a button.
-- It sticks the info on the screen, even if the GUI of the item is closed. So multiple info boxes can be opened as a list.
-- More compact overall.
-- Works with GUI_Unifyer mod.

-- Does not calculate anything about the belt speed.
-- Does not calculate anything with chances in recipe.
-- Shows strange stuff for beacons.