Accumulator Wagon

Adds a train wagon capable of storing and transporting electric power, allowing new means of getting power to remote outposts and power grids. Special circuit signals allow for fine-grained control of charging and discharging priority.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g whelp

1 year, 4 months ago

i tried it couple of times it is ok till a certain point
i tried to adjust it little bit that it become more balance'd for later game that wont work i need about 12 wagons for 3 minutes of usage >outpost<
that is not doable cause of 30mw output for 500mw
but i cant seem to get it to work
if there can be a setting in game >mod settings< so we can put our own value's would be lovely or it was fun while it lasted im afread

1 year, 2 months ago

Hey, I wanted the same thing as you so I went into the code and made a new version with what you want.

New response