Accumulator Wagon

Adds a train wagon capable of storing and transporting electric power, allowing new means of getting power to remote outposts and power grids. Special circuit signals allow for fine-grained control of charging and discharging priority.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Too OP

5 years ago

Hello shanemadden,
As much I like your mod to simplify electricity on longer distances without poles I have to say that is too OP. It's too cheap for the amount of MJ it gives. Why would I use batteries in my base when I can spam Accumulator wagons everywhere? Much less space, much more storage and cheap.

Make the wagon cost of 100 batteries instead of 10 at least.

4 years ago

I agree. The wagons are far superior to stationary accumulators. With this mod, I can just replace all the accumulators in my base with trains that never move and save a bunch of resources.
Adjusting the recipe would fix that.

4 years ago

or make the recipe adjustable if possible, for those who want it more balanced an others that like the cheapness an just wont abuse it

1 year, 11 months ago

I happened upon this same concern so I did just this and published it, for anyone who wants to use this mod without going into the code.
New version with settings:

New response