ab logistics center

by ABacker

Consume power to teleport items. A replace of robots logistics, configurable and UPS friendly.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g To slow for me how to improve?

4 years ago

Hey, I am trying to do a mega base, and it's doing a limit sending, and also I have plenty of power, and plenty of logistic center with rainbow fully charge, but it's still too slow for a mega base.

I have max out 10,000 for buffer in setting, and it's still not feeding what I need, and how do I improve them so they can handle a mega base?

It would only feed like iron in the logic center, and it would remain at 0, and I would have million of iron plate in a collector chest, but it's too slow to feed in the logic center so any help is appreciated.

4 years ago

Update, I notice not all chest from the collector will take the item to the logical center so I'm thinking maybe it's a bug. I saw a bug written some where it says sometime when you restart it will not gather resource from the chest, or something so maybe that's the problem.

4 years ago

Oh, nvm I figure it out. I didn't know you can spread logical center closer to the chest that is not being taken out, well duh lol.

Ok thank you, great mod, love them!

4 years ago


4 years ago

I support I would like to improve the game, so that each logistics center would allow us to send faster to where needed, otherwise it’s really when a lot of 1 reuept asks for somewhere it delivers quickly. and somewhere you wait for 10 minutes.

4 years ago

You know, I'm quite busy these days, but the new year is coming, and I'll be on vacation at that time. I will focus on two main problems of this mod, the first is supporting multi-surfaces, the second is adding a privilege system.

4 years ago

yes yes we are not in a hurry, thanks for the mod!
I just would like to improve the mod, it's gorgeous!
It's a pity that things just don't always work if let's say an example
I will describe the problem:
let's say if 4 factories require one resource - it sends without problems, if let's say 5-7 recipes already require a resource, then it doesn't send and waits a lot.
And yes, it would be nice to do distribution optimization. and instructions.

along with mods for reloading cargo.


4 years ago

OK, I'll figure that out and fix it.

Really appreciate that there are players love this mod! ^^

New response