ab logistics center

by ABacker

Consume power to teleport items. A replace of robots logistics, configurable and UPS friendly.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Requester Chest functionality

4 years ago


I have started using the mod and I am really enjoying it. I am having some issues that could be down to me or the limitations of the mod.

I am trying to come up with a way of supplying the player(me) with items as if it was a robot logistic system.
My idea was to use the robot logistic system only for my inventory management. So if i use an item I want the bots to drop the item off to me to keep my inventory at a certain amount.

The only way I can do this is to have a requester chest(mod) feed into a red provider chest. Only issue I am having is that the Requester chest(mod) is acting like a blue requester chest from the base game. So an item is leaving the req chest, going to the red chest, then going back into the req chest.

Can you advise if this interaction can be turned off?

New response