Something with the energy bar script erroring. Ran into a crash after putting down a center and feeding it power for the first time. Had to turn off the bar with R before it fully loaded or it would crash my save. Turning it back on would give a different error which i included after.
This is the first crash as the bar charged up:
The mod ab_logisticscenter caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event ab_logisticscenter::on_nth_tick(21)
Unknown entity name: ab-lc-energy-bar14
stack traceback:
ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:28: in function <ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:20>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:28: in function <ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:20>
Then this happened when re-enabling the bar later:
The mod ab_logisticscenter caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event ab_logisticscenter::on_player_rotated_entity (ID 19)
Unknown entity name: ab-lc-energy-bar50
stack traceback:
ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:49: in function 'add'
..._logisticscenter__/logistics_center/logistics_center.lua:237: in function 'create_energy_bar'
...cscenter__/logistics_center/event_handler/on_rotated.lua:14: in function <...cscenter__/logistics_center/event_handler/on_rotated.lua:7>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
ab_logisticscenter/logistics_center/energy_bar.lua:49: in function 'add'
..._logisticscenter__/logistics_center/logistics_center.lua:237: in function 'create_energy_bar'
...cscenter__/logistics_center/event_handler/on_rotated.lua:14: in function <...cscenter__/logistics_center/event_handler/on_rotated.lua:7>