ab logistics center

by ABacker

Consume power to teleport items. A replace of robots logistics, configurable and UPS friendly.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Incompatibility with warptorio

5 years ago

I was trying to use your mod (great job by the way) in conjunction with warptorio. Unfortunately, warptorio does not teleport the items but instead clones them. The cloning process seems to invalidate your logistics center, causing this error:

6030.170 Error MainLoop.cpp:1183: Exception at tick 3877702: The mod ab_logisticscenter caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ab_logisticscenter::on_built_entity (ID 6)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
ab_logisticscenter/control.lua:191: in function 'find_nearest_lc'
ab_logisticscenter/control.lua:357: in function <ab_logisticscenter/control.lua:307>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:191: in function 'find_nearest_lc'
ab_logisticscenter/control.lua:357: in function <ab_logisticscenter/control.lua:307

I'm still looking for possible solutions, but I haven't found any yet. I'm also aware that this is most likely not in your area to fix. Just hoping you might have an idea

5 years ago

This problem is expected. It will crash when using multi-surfaces. And I'm not sure if the cloned logistics centers will work properly. The former problem can be fixed with several hours of work maybe. But the latter, I have no idea now.

So, I'll try to fix this when I am free, that will be 2 monthes later. Thank you for this report.

5 years ago

Multi surface experiments worked just fine. I would dare to say that is actually a use case where your mod can really shine. I would just suggest adding a factor to the energy cost when going to different surfaces.

Anyway, I believe the problem is the cloning. It also messes up the radar. Although I don't know yet if it's a bug in the game engine or a bug with warptorio. I tried to deal with it by using the on_entity_cloned handler, but I didn't get it to work.
Perhaps I'll find time to invest a few hours. If I manage to get it working, I'll submit a patch.

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