
by Actitis

Sorts all recipes based on prototype, cost, tech level and some coherent progression visualization. Suggested use is when there are many mods that adds new recipes; to have a cleaner, categorized view.

3 years ago

i Dependencia

3 years ago

Hola, me gusta el orden de los objetos que veo en las imágenes, pero tengo una pregunta.

Es indispensable que el mod sea dependiente??
Entiendo que sea los otros sean opcional, por que ese no??

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, i am a rookie lua developer and i am learning along this mod how the language works

i can't yet find a way to check automatically for active mods, and as it performs i just left it as it is. i am actually loosing my head around custom bullets, also vanilla flamethrower gave some problem i had to fix with a check mid-route only for it.

i will cut all dependencies off when i manage to understand how the check for mods works, so to apply the mod sorting only if said mod is active.
i managed to find a way, but it consists of looking for something the mod added and changing a bool, while i would like to implement a better check with the modlist rather than a value it adds.

3 years ago

I have a question, when i enable the mod it need "electric_train_modules ", and make me disable "automatic train painter" after disable it, the load error make me disable "Krastorio 2", so is the problem in my side or mod ?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello zeuznova, thanks alot for your feedback! it was a mod problem but i managed to fix that in the update i have been working on in the past days, i am still making the final adjustment as i wish the ammo sorting "sorted out" before updating

pun unintended

2 years ago

Hola, otra vez Yo,
Sólo escribo para que sepas que sigo esperando tu MOD, claro, si aun no lo has abandonado.
Yo también estoy aprendiendo mientras hago mi propio MOD, los fines de semana, por lo que sé lo difícil que es, pero en el foro he recibido mucha ayuda.

En lo personal, cree una función para imprimir en orden toda la información que contiene data.raw, y así saber que está donde. Sale un archivo bastante grande, pero me a ayudado mucho con los prototypos.

2 years ago

Hey, just throwing this out there: The way to check for active mods is

it is a paired array (a dictionary; having active_mods[modname]=version) that you can simply insert as a true/false in an if statement

so for example:
if game.active_mods["aai-industry"] then

2 years ago

Hi yaim904 and xetaxheb

Thanks alot for checking in and for your suggestions! I have been quite busy in the last months, but i did not forget the mod. I admit recalling i was struggling to find a way to check the active mods, will try to implement it as i manage to cut some time for it.

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