Zoom (2 buttons and hotkey to wide zoom)

Just 2 buttons to zoom extra wide or close, further than actual gui limits ! And a ALT-Z hotkey to direct zoom out.

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17

a Please don't post here but on the forum (link in information tab)

8 years ago

There are no email notifications to tell me that you posted something here, so I probably won't answer because I cannot check 20 mods pages regularly...

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Stupid mod!
How much can perverse over the game?
This is a perversion! No other ideas? What is it for?
There is a mouse button 3 (roller) to increase or decrease!
Why unnecessary buttons on the screen?
Stupid mod!
It's too much:
1. Use the mouse to move around the screen to press the buttons?
2. Why hot keys(ALT-Z hotkey to direct zoom out), when the mouse can scroll the button 3!


P.S. Sorry!
I know English bad

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