Trash Landfill Continued

by Kadaban

Adds a large landfill that disposes of trash at the cost of creating pollution

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Crash in 0.17

5 years ago

Hello! I'm using your mod and have over 700hours since I started using it but in the last 2 days the game keeps crashing and citing this mod as source of the error.

This is the message I get:

The mod Trash Landfill Continued caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued::on_tick (ID 0)
Item stack count has to be a positive number
stack traceback:
ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:92: in function 'delete_check'
ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:126: in function <ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:108>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'remove'
ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:92: in function 'delete_check'
ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:126: in function <ZCS-Trash-Landfill-Continued/control.lua:108>

5 years ago

I fixed it by editing control.lua

in line 89 I added "and entry[2][1] > 0" to the if statement now it doesnt crash anymore

New response