Wood Harvester deprecated

by mg79

Adds an early-game building that automatically harvests wood around itself. Deprecated in favor of Mining Drones.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g 0.18 sometime perhaps?

4 years ago


3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I find this mod very useful and miss not having it.

3 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the lack of replies. I had plans to make a bigger update for this which would use the new robots to harvest trees and overall look much nicer, but Klonan released his Mining Drones mod which does everything I had planned and more, so I would recommend using that instead. It can harvest any resource including trees. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Mining_Drones

3 years ago

Thanks for the information and status update. I enjoyed your Wood Harvester mod and hope to see more mods from you in the future.

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