Wood Harvester deprecated

by mg79

Adds an early-game building that automatically harvests wood around itself. Deprecated in favor of Mining Drones.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Any chance of adding a replanter?

5 years ago

The machine works amazing well except for the fact that it deforest's an area too rapidly and needs to be relocated often. I was hoping for your next mod you might consider setting up a system to manage a tree farm that will not only harvest the wood but also replant trees within a player designated area

5 years ago

I started using Treefarm-Lite-fix_16.0.11 for growing new trees however when I tried setting up a lumber mill It seems as though the Wood Harvester does not properly detect or cut down the trees from that mod

5 years ago

The harvester will completely disable itself when there's nothing more to harvest, to save on performance. Better support for other mods is in the pipe, and I'll look into supporting mods that replant trees.

5 years ago

The mod should now support TreeFarm grown trees. However you will need to turn off the "Mark for deconstruction" option in mod settings or it will disable itself when there are no trees in range.

The intent of the mod isn't to set up a self-sustaining tree factory, but to reduce the need for manual deforestation early on before you have construction bots. You can certainly do a tree factory by combining it with TreeFarm or tree-growth however.

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