Wire Shortcuts

by daydev

Removes red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to pick up a copper wire for the rare instances when it's necessary. Also includes a wire cutter selection tool to quickly remove all wires in an area.

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Proposal: delete red-wire and green-wire recipes during data stage

9 months ago

(context: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/WireShortcuts/discussion/604f14c81a75573f04ef43ef)

I'm writing a compatibility shim that detects if the red-wire / green-wire recipes are unlockable with research, and if not switches the demands to use constant combinators instead, but is there a reason to keep these recipes around with this mod? It would be easier from the Warptorio 2 side if these recipes were deleted from the game altogether.

9 months ago

(The compatibility fix has shipped with Warptorio2 Expansion 1.1.96.)

New response