Wire Shortcuts

by daydev

Removes red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to pick up a copper wire for the rare instances when it's necessary. Also includes a wire cutter selection tool to quickly remove all wires in an area.

1 year, 7 days ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Won't Do] Decouple the cutter from the wires

3 years ago

Hey daydev!

Great mod! I have been using it for the last year or so. But recently I reverted to use vanilla cables. And so I wonder, what you think about unbundeling the wire cutter feature into its own stand alone mod.

3 years ago

Hello. I'm quite reluctant about your suggestion. The wire cutter by itself seems like an incredibly niche tool (how often do you need to cut a lot of wire without removing the entities?). I thought it reasonable to include it as a bonus in this mod that already sets out to make circuit work more convenient, but to deal with all the hassle of extracting it into another standalone extremely niche mod, doesn't seem to be worth the trouble.

If you're interested, there's Picker Extended. I never used it, but according to its description it includes some features related to the wires, including their quick removal, although it's not the same as in this mod.

Or, another option, this mod is released under the permissive MIT license, so in principle anyone could make a separate mod with just the wire cutter from this mod.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The main reason to use the cutter tool now is that blueprints can add wires, so you can cut wires in a setup, before pasting a blueprint with correct wires on top of it, and know that none of the wires will be wrongly setup.

But, honestly, given that blueprints already break the red/green tool stuff, I wouldn't grab wire cutter without free red/green wire as tools.

Edit: Wait, it doesn't effect copper cable, just red/green cable. And the mod that did do that is deprecated.
Edit2: Or, I could read the description, outside the game. Which explains it.

New response