Wire Shortcuts

by daydev

Removes red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to pick up a copper wire for the rare instances when it's necessary. Also includes a wire cutter selection tool to quickly remove all wires in an area.

1 year, 7 days ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Won't Do, Other Mod] Rewire shortcut

3 years ago

This is quite the mod for wires! Any chance you can include a rewire shortcut as well to consolidate other mods that do it into this one?

3 years ago

Hello. By "rewire shortcut", do you mean replicating the function of the mod "Rewire Tool" that endeavors to straighten the power pole connections? There's also the Power Grid Comb mod that seems to do something similar. If so, I'm reluctant to just copy a function from another mod, even if it's allowed by the license, seems needlessly redundant. I may look into it if those mods die and stop being updated.

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