Wire Shortcuts

by daydev

Removes red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to pick up a copper wire for the rare instances when it's necessary. Also includes a wire cutter selection tool to quickly remove all wires in an area.

1 year, 7 days ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Won't Do] Refil wire/cable in stack

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Problem with coper cable is when trying to wire something each time i must to push copper button again. Just because i get only one cable each time and when it uses the stack clears.
So simple event handler to refil coper stack up to two cables solve the problem.

script.on_event(defines.events.on_player_cursor_stack_changed, function(event)
    local player = game.players[event.player_index]
    local stack = player.cursor_stack
    if stack and stack.valid and stack.valid_for_read
      and stack.name == "copper-cable" and stack.count == 1 then
        player.cursor_stack.count = 2

Also could be helpful to do it and with green/ red wires istead of giving 200 of them.

Sorry for my english. ;)

4 years ago

With red and green wire giving a full stack is an easy way to give plenty without a need for any handlers. It's highly unlikely that you would need 200 of the same color of wire in a row, so 200 is pretty much as good as infinite for all practical purposes. And it disappears when you put it down, so what does it matter how much it gives, it's ephemeral anyway.

Regarding the copper wire, it's a dangerous line. If you look in other topics, some people think even how it is now is cheat-y. Refilling the cursor as you suggest would only make the issue worse. The one free copper wire is meant strictly as an unlikely convenience so that you don't have to trek across the base if you need just one piece suddenly, because come on, how often does it happen that you need copper wire for wiring specifically. If you need a lot of copper wire, you should just go get a lot of copper wire through the usual channels. Copper wire is not meant to be free unlike the colored wire. It's a proper ingredient.

4 years ago

Yes, i understand waht is some sort of cheaty. But...
Mod already give us one coper cable "for free", so my point is one or two is not a big difference. But it can resolve necessary of constantly pushing cable button.
In other words: convenience vs balance. ;)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I say again, if you find yourself in need of "constantly pushing cable button", you're doing it wrong, just go get cable as usual. The button is meant to give you one cable occasionally in the unlikely even you need it, not give you an endless supply of copper cable. The endless supply of free cable is only really meant for colored wires. If you need more than two or three pieces of copper cable, just craft some cable.

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