Wire Shortcuts

by daydev

Removes red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to pick up a copper wire for the rare instances when it's necessary. Also includes a wire cutter selection tool to quickly remove all wires in an area.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Won't Do] Make the copper shortcut trigger crafting if no wire present

5 years ago

I noticed that if there's no copper wire present in inventory, pressing the shortcut bar creates one out of nothing.

Could I suggest changing the behaviour to make it trigger crafting, or greying out the button if no copper wire is found?

5 years ago

Basically, the idea is that, for purposes of connecting things, wire is as good as free anyway, so make it actually free. It's mostly focused on red and green wire, copper wire is used for connecting things very rarely. But for the rare occasions when you want to connect something with copper the mod will give you that one wire if you don't have any lying around. If it triggered crafting it would a) potentially mess with people who care about what they handcraft (going to the achievement or something); b) potentially be stuck in a very long queue; c) probably leave an orphaned wire in your inventory as you craft two and use one. I think one wire from nothing and only if you don't have any already is fine.

5 years ago

Fair enough

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