Wind Turbines

Wind Turbines produce free energy, but are expensive to build and don't have a steady output. This mod adds 4 tiers of Turbines, from a small wooden Windmill to a Titanic steel and refined concrete turbine.

1 year, 9 months ago

b Crash related to turbines getting attacked

2 years ago

Error while running event Wind_Generator-gfxrestyle::on_entity_damaged (ID 100)
'entity': table expected, got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'damage'
Wind_Generator-gfxrestyle/control.lua:84: in function <Wind_Generator-gfxrestyle/control.lua:79>

I'm using a tool, so I may not have a clean translation. Forgive me.

On to the main issue. If you do multiple attacks (nukes, etc.) that break windmills in one tick, there is a risk of the game crashing due to synchronization.

I just happened to find this, so I'll raise it as a subject.
Thanks for the great mod.

2 years ago

Hi, I didn't try nuking my windmills yet ;-)
The game has a weird way to apply lots of events out of order, so I'm not surprised.

I will test the green weapon and see what happens...

2 years ago

I've gotten the exact same error multiple times now by having large numbers of biters attacking a single turbine at once. Looks like you can't afford to let biters anywhere near turbines. Using rampant which is resulting in waves of hundreds of them attacking at once, often multiple waves piling up together, so I sometimes have 40+ biters attacking the same object at once.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I am sorry, will investigate this as soon as I have the time, bit busy in RL right now.
Wall the turbines in the mean time, or surround them with solar panels so biters chew something else instead ?

Edit 1 - I was able to trigger this with a large swarm of spitters shooting all at once in the general direction of the turbines. Not sure yet how to fix it.

Edit 2 - Version: 1.2.2 is out, I changed some things in the code and in my testing the crash seems to be gone. Please provide feedback if it is indeed solved for you, thanks !

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