Merging Chests AllType

Enables merging of multiple chests into one entity. Supports merging of arbitrary number of chests (configurable in mod settings).

4 years ago


Version: 3.0.7
Date: 9.5.2020
    - Fixed incorrect check of whitelisted chests during merging.
    - Moved updating chest stack size to data-final-fixes stage.
Version: 3.0.6
Date: 20.4.2020
    - Removed "Modify check stack size" mod setting seince now it has to be always on.
Version: 3.0.5
Date: 23.3.2020
    - Merging tool is now only available as shortcut.
    - Fixed bug in new merged chest health calculation.
Version: 3.0.4
Date: 21.3.2020
    - Merged chest's health now scales with the size of the chest (up to 10 times the health of base chest).
Version: 3.0.3
Date: 10.3.2020
    - Fixed merging algorithm bug.
Version: 3.0.2
Date: 28.1.2020
    - Added migration json which works with default mod settings. People who increased the limits and used those chests will either have to create their own migration json or bite the bullet and replace those chests in their save.
Version: 3.0.1
Date: 27.1.2020
    - Fixed modifying maximum chest stack size not working.
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 23.1.2020
  Major features:
    - Added possibility to merge all basic chest types at once (only with each other). This feature is enabled when you have "WideChestsAllTypes" mod enabled. Beware of long loading time and higher memory usage.
    - Bob's Brass and Titanium chests are now supported if you have both bobplates and boblogistics enabled.
    - Enforced hard limits on maximum chest area (1600), width (42) and height (42). Increasing over this limit won't do anything unless you have "WideChestsUnlimited" mod enabled in which case there are no limits again. Beware of long loading time and higher memory usage.
    - Fixed edge case creating chests out of thin air when merging specific arrangement of chests.
    - Added optional dependency on boblogistics.
    - Added optional dependency on bobplates.
    - Added optional dependency on WideChestsAllTypes.
    - Added optional dependency on WideChestsUnlimited
Version: 2.2.2
Date: 26.5.2019
    - Removed Fast replace group to merged chests.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 8.5.2019
    - Added maximum chest inventory size limit to game's limit of inventory size (65535).
    - Multiplication sign "×" can be used in whitelist setting instead of letter "x".
    - Added additional German localizations.
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 19.4.2019
    - Added whitelist setting to limit creatable chests.
    - Merged chests can no longer be upgraded using upgrade planner.
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 21.3.2019
    - Added German localizations.
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 2.3.2019
    - Fixed Wide chest shadow bug.
    - Added mod thumbnail.
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 2.3.2019
    - Merging tool converted to shortcut and it is no longer available as a item.
    - Updated Merged steel chest sprite.
    - Fixed High chest shadow bug.
    - Updated for Factorio 0.17.
    - Added mod setting to revert back to old Mering tool (giving you the item back, found in blueprint library).
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 29.9.2018
    - Fixed default width/height of chests to be 42 instead of 40.
    - Fixed bug in merging algorithm.
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 28.9.2018
    - Removed migration script to Version: 1.0.0 that caused error when loading on existing save.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 28.9.2018
    - Resized warehouse sprite to fit into low res sprite resolution restrictions.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 28.9.2018
  Major Features:
    - Implemented merging of area chests. Maximum chest width, length and area is configurable in mod settings.
    - Threshold when trashdump will be used (instead of warehouse) is configurable in mod settings.
    - Only singular chests can be merged (alternative select merged chests to split them before merging them).
    - Merge merge tool is now available in blueprint library for free.
    - Added setting to modify mergable chest item stack size so that bots can build all possible chests.
    - Implemented mod setting to select mergable chest type (wooden, iron or steel chest).
    - Changelog filled.
Version: 1.9.3
Date: 18.12.2017
  Major Features:
    - Max chest size is no longer limited to 42. Configurable in mod settings. Default is still 42.
Version: 1.9.2
Date: 13.12.2017
    - Updated for Factorio 0.16.
Version: 1.9.1
Date: 19.11.2017
    - Fixed crash when merging full chests.
Version: 1.9.0
Date: 16.11.2017
  Major Features:
    - When placing blueprints the ghost is not divided into individual chests and bots delived entire chest in one go (and circuit connections are not destroyed). Maximum size a bots can build is steel chest stack size.
    - Implemented advanced merging algorithm. Chests in selected area are merged by decresing sizes (horizontal chests are prefered) and single selection can merge chests in both directions.
    - Circuit connections are merged (some cables may not reach after merging and will be missing, see example).
    - Red inventory bar is also merged.
Version: 1.8.3
Date: 8.10.2017
    - Fixed bug when merging vertical chests horizontaly and horizontal chests verticaly.
Version: 1.8.2
Date: 27.5.2017
    - New Merge tool selector icon (to differentiate it from blueprints with chests in them).
Version: 1.8.1
Date: 20.5.2017
    - Added English, Czech and Russian localizations (if you want to add other look into locale\en\locale.cfg, translate and send it to me, I will add it).
Version: 1.8.0
Date: 19.5.2017
  Major Features:
    - Placing merged chests by blueprint will split it into steel chests that will be automaticly merged when they are all placed.
    - Merging of already merged chests with other chests is now possible.
Version: 1.7.0
Date: 17.5.2017
  Major Features:
    - Alt selecting wide/high chests will split them into steel chests. Beware when changing inventory size in settings: some items can be destroyed.
    - Player can select any non rectangular area of steel chests to merge them. Chests will be merged in direction of longer side (width or height).
Version: 1.6.1
Date: 30.4.2017
    - Wide/High chest items are hidden from logistic requester and filter menu
Version: 1.6.0
Date: 30.4.2017
    - Added option to modify and limit chest size
    - Fixed on-player-selected-area event ignoring selection item
Version: 1.5.0
Date: 27.4.2017
    - Updated for Factorio 0.15
Version: 1.4.0
Date: 21.9.2016
    - Fixed crash when selecting area with zero size
    - Fixed config for chest recipes changing after initial migration
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 20.9.2016
    - Added config for what chest sizes should have recipes (for blueprints)
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 20.9.2016
  Major Features:
    - Contents of chests are now merged
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 18.9.2016
  Major Features:
    - Added chests sizes up to 42 (cannot imagine anyone would need more...also more is impossible without reducing texture quality)
    - Fixed error with naming mod
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 18.9.2016
  Major Features:
    - Implemented chest merging
    - Added chest sizes up to 6
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 27.7.2016
  Major Features:
    - First Version: with 3 and 6 wide chests