I am unsure of the history of discussion over the matter between yourself and MrSilver2510 since I can only glean a light collaboration in the past, so I was unsure if it was intentionally the case for this great work to have been updated without the the dependency. Especially since, given the past as noted in the changelogs, that at some point in time that the modifications of this tweak mod did incorporate/was a fork of said armoury mod (also stated in the url & zip). I only made the remark due to said past, and confusion if it was actually to be available again as if it were in that same state as a fork like before, especially since it does not appear to be in conflict with the license either. However, if there's nothing to be done regarding this notion, and the apparent inactivity of the original, it is appreciated that the matter has been cleared up. Can't wait till all your other awesome stuff has been caught up as well!