Well Planner

Automatically layout pumpjack fields. Now works Natural Gas! Now works with Bob's Mods and Krastorio 2!

3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Mining Fluids

g No well planner option

7 months ago

So, I've got the well planner mod installed and have the config option at the top, but in the bottom menu, I only have the "Blueprint: Well Planner" option, which isn't clickable. I'm playing with the All The Overhauls modpack. If you want me to post my save or anything, give a shout.

7 months ago

Turns out you need the oil pumpjack unlocked to use it, even if you can place mineralwater pumps manually before the well planner unlocks and can use the well planner with mineral water pumps after the well planner unlocks.

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