WePlay: Clusterio Test Pack

Test pack with lots of resources and surfaces to test clusterio networked factorio instances locally. Currently requires use of infinity chests and the like to set up production chains and sidestep incompatibilities or missing technologies and the like.

Mod packs
a month ago


Version: 0.0.15
Date: 2024. 08. 11
    - Getting an error with the burner module and ingredient insertion into the table so I'm disabling it for now.
Version: 0.0.14
Date: 2024. 08. 11
    - Even lots more additional optional dependency changes to resolve conflicts. I should really separate out the Extended Vanilla personal equipment mod changes into their own thing.
Version: 0.0.13
Date: 2024. 08. 10
    - Lots more additional optional dependency changes to resolve conflicts.
Version: 0.0.12
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Additional optional dependency changes to resolve conflicts.
Version: 0.0.11
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - When using the jet fuel mod, it works as a fuel in the jetpack.
Version: 0.0.10
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Made numerous older dependencies optional, as more overhaul mods will be added here at first
      in addition to the core clusterio functionality of the modpack.
    - I'm really not doing any kind of checks on my changes in data.lua files with this first
      round of big dependency hierarchy shufflings. So probably trying other big mods other than the
      SE/K2/BZ stuff is going to be difficult as I have some hard coded entity property value changes
      and stuff.
    - Wrapped up adding a ton of optional dependencies focusing on alternate means of logistics and production
    - I'm thinking maybe using matter as the limiting factor in transporting items between hosts
      on the clusterio network.
    - Looks like there are issues uploading Mining_Drones_Remastered and factorio-nether to
      the clusterio controller so I'll kind of put them off to the end of the optional dependencies list rn.
Version: 0.0.9
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Changed ClosestFirst mod to be an optional dependency
Version: 0.0.8
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Noticed a duplication with module inserter mods when including
      the full official space-exploration modpack so I'm marking
      the module-inserter-extended as optional in case of future/current conflicts.
    - It's likely a lot of the mods currently marked as dependencies will
      be grouped and organized into core dependencies
      and then varying levels of QoL or for specialized host shards.
    - perimeter-paver mod is now optional
    - Still looking around for a linter or something for this changelog
Version: 0.0.7
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Still investingating the changelog issue lol
    - Adding optional dependencies to the beltlayer and zero-infinity-chests mods
      as these are the only two in the kind of huge base mod grouping that don't
      immediately successfully upload to the clusterio controller using the web ui.
    - Currently unable to troubleshoot clusterio support for zero-infinity-chests
      and beltlayer mods so this will be the entirety of this update.
Version: 0.0.6
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Found incorrectly formatted line break in older changelog entry
      so this should be the first correctly formatted changelog entry
    - Currently clusterio does not recognize this mod download?
      It doesn't appear in the list of mods, and I've noticed the same thing with other large modpacks.
    - Workaround for me is to use this modpack to download all the relevant mods
      and then manually log them individually in the clusterio web ui interface.
      Bit of a chore and also oddly nostalgic.
    - Lots of new optional dependency additions when reverting back to the full original
      modlist and mod customizations. Unknown if these will work out of the box
      so I'll add notes as things go.
    - Testing on a remote host on the local network is working with
      past constrained modlist, so now I'll be working on bringing
      the full modlist back up to speed and investigating the possibility
      of doing something like an Ultracube host and passing items between modpacks.
      Maybe sharing cfg and locale files between hosts already is part of clusterio?
Version: 0.0.5
Date: 2024. 08. 06
    - Implemented correct changelog format, thanks PennyJim!
    - Updated dependencies, see last note
    - Fix typo in control.lua
    - Completely moved everything into an archive folder except for
      minimal multi-surface for testing clusterio hosts and setup
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 2024. 08. 05
    - Moved necessary clusterio mods to the mods list and added
      them to the list of the dependencies from my downloads folder
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2024. 08. 05
    - UnlimitedProductivity and Extended Vanilla mods will also be marked optional
    - Fully disabled extended vanilla modpack files
    - Finally, contradicting (somewhat) the initial point,
      after correcting previous errors, all formerly optional mods
      other than UnlimitedProductivity are fully functional and required again
    - Added an item subgroup missing for ChemistryForYou "water"
    - Updated loop that modifys assembling machines and module_slots
    - Updated path for burner module graphic
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2024. 08. 05
    - As a quick fix, trainConstructionSite and UnlimitedProductivity
      and Extended Vanilla mods will be marked optional
      and so can be disabled or skipped when initially downloading.
    - As a local fix, I will likely not troubleshoot the intersection of mods
      causing the error with train sites, I will likely dig out the bandaid fix
      I used before and modify the zip files on the local clusterio servers to match.
      If it's possible to do it within the modpack files
      I will make a note of it in the changelog.
    - Modified control.lua to remove non-functioning player
      initialization code and updated the mod name
      in the jetpack mod's interface for fuel.
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2024. 08. 05
  Major Features:
    - Initial playthrough on single PC complete,
      bundling mods for initial testing on local clusterio servers.
    - Currently in non-playable state without use of infinity-chests or other similar items.