I've got a ton of mods active in my save so it'd be hard to give a seed number for that. I'll use the command and see what happens.
For debug purposes, think you can enable something more detailed for output?
"Edge Tiles: #, Tiles Scanned: #, Water Area % tiles: #" in one line like this example;
"Edge Tiles: 5481, Tiles Scanned: 20,000, Water Area 1 tiles: 120,000"
I mean, if someone's using the debug mode, clearly it wouldn't matter in screen spam. :P
So when loading a save with two active pumps and fluid area tiles per second set to 1000; (Results abbreviated)
ID1: Water Amount: 2,993,469, Shallow 1,089 / Deep 12,019
ID2: Water Amount: 2,939,060, Shallow 1,445 / Deep 11,644
ID1: Water Amount: 3,053,940, Shallow 1,089 / Deep 12,271
ID2: Water Amount: 2,997,580, Shallow 1,459 / Deep 11,882
ID1: Water Amount: 3,011,152, Shallow 1,108 / Deep 12,503
ID2: Water Amount: 3,055,320, Shallow 1,482 / Deep 12,113
(Slowed the game to 0.15 speed while I tested running the command every time those numbers came up)
Running it at 30,000 now, may increase speed. Gonna wait a bit and see what its at.
My specs if you're curious about the resources I have to scan with; https://valid.x86.fr/scg14b
While that goes on... Another idea for scanning statuses, with those that enable the "still scanning" notification, perhaps it should say what amount of tiles has been scanned so far with that still scanning status giving an idea as to progress. Remember to include the separators for the numbers to make it easier to read. "1,000,000 is easier to read than 1000000 after all. :P
I wonder if its possible to abort one of those scans. I know I can't simply pick up the pump to stop the scan.. Oh well, too late I guess.
20 minutes of scanning: (Since last ID line)
ID1: Water Amount: 115,543,375, Shallow 41,315 / Deep 367,930
ID2: Water Amount: 115,326,500, Shallow 42,820 / Deep 366,580
I'm scanning at max, 50,000 tiles per second, taking a good minute between scans, now both areas are around 760,000 total tiles so far (shallow/deep).
I give up scanning now. 2 hours of scanning time total. 1 hour at 50k tiles per second.
ID1: Water Amount: 430,680,990, Shallow 96,101 / Deep 1,156,294
ID2: Water Amount: 431,004,870, Shallow 94,377 / Deep 1,157,912
Total scan time of 10 minutes game time. 10 minutes of game time taking 2 hours to process. :P I wish this could be multi-threaded. Its not even maxing out one single thread though.
Curious about some lines in your control file however. Line 590-628
Particularly Puddle, Well, and Pond.
I think everything I've ever had scanned was qualifies as a pond, even a 2x2 size square of water (4 tiles).
Puddle is 3 tiles or less. Well is exactly 4 tiles. Pond is 5 tiles to 200 tiles based on this, right?
Perhaps it'd be more interesting to name puddles as 5 tiles or less, wells as 6 to 10 tiles, and then ponds as 11 to 200 tiles. It'd make it more likely that you get those unique names at least. :P
One more thought I had, is it possible to have your pumps scan for extra puddles not directly connected to the water area its connected to, within a certain radius? Say for example you have a pond of 32 tiles of water, with 7 small 4 tile sized puddles all around it within a short range of the pump you placed down, and you would like to drain all of those together without having to place a pump on each and every single one of them. Might be an interesting setting for a future update, that I can bring up in another topic later if you want. I'm very tired though, ended up staying up longer than I anticipated typing up information and testing things. :P