Warp Drive Machine

You are in relative control of a spacecraft equipped with a warp drive that distorts the shape of the space-time continuum and may travel at speeds greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude. Jump from planet to planet and extract most resources you can to rebuild you ship. Each planet is unique with its own challenges, and you can stay limited time on it, until spaceship warps toward another world.

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Disabling space age errors on warp

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

This may not be supported, but I attempted to disable space age to simplify the tech tree (I wasn't using any of the space age things). Unfortunately it causes a mod crash on warp - if I shouldn't disable space age mid-playthrough then I completely understand :) save file (it happens a few seconds later): https://mega.nz/file/mgZySLCC#8v-KZdmlgyBt6Qw0iMZq16y6ahoV1lIDeU-soCUIGR8

Error while running event Warp-Drive-Machine::on_nth_tick(30)
LuaSurface API call when LuaSurface was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/warp-control.lua:620: in function 'warp_now'
Warp-Drive-Machine/ship-control.lua:602: in function 'update_ships_each_second'
Warp-Drive-Machine/control.lua:723: in function <Warp-Drive-Machine/control.lua:722>

13 days ago
(updated 13 days ago)

I have the same issue - I started with Space Age and then realized I don't want to replay entire Space Age after. Disabling Space Age might not work (it is probably going to break everything), but it could be possible to just add an option not to add the space age science packs to the victory technologies? This would basically make the Space Age stuff optional, without maybe breaking everything?

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