Warp Drive Machine

You are in relative control of a spacecraft equipped with a warp drive that distorts the shape of the space-time continuum and may travel at speeds greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude. Jump from planet to planet and extract most resources you can to rebuild you ship. Each planet is unique with its own challenges, and you can stay limited time on it, until spaceship warps toward another world.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Difficulty suggestion?

2 months ago

would be nice if ship repairs were fixed like at beginning of game and not scale to insane ammount of relatively engame/current tech resources
merchant should also have somekind of overhaul, barter doesnt work, it needs so much trash to buy something you need it becomes irrelevant

well.. i've lasted to 163 planets, until i landed in cave, that is pretty much game over, its likely impossible to find warp button, there is no way its possible to gather all those resources\fluids required to repair lost warp button / warp engine, and survive 20+ minutes under endless waves(per planet) with limited iron/ammo

well mod was an interesting experience, guess its time to go back to vanilla

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