Warp Drive Machine

You are in relative control of a spacecraft equipped with a warp drive that distorts the shape of the space-time continuum and may travel at speeds greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude. Jump from planet to planet and extract most resources you can to rebuild you ship. Each planet is unique with its own challenges, and you can stay limited time on it, until spaceship warps toward another world.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Integration with new planet mods

2 months ago

There are new mods that add new planets (e.g. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Starmap_Nexuz links a few of them).

While not all of them are directly compartible with WDM, it still probably makes sense to have some mechanism to extend list of "persistent planets" for WDM from just "vulcanus/gleba/fulgora/aquilo". It can be an comma-separated mod config option, or script interface that would allow compatibility mod to register new planet as persistent.

2 months ago

Any expansion or moded planet is already considered "persistent". If it is compatible with WDM thats another question...

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