As a player who solo this mod without any other op mod helping, I would say most difficulties comes from early game iron plates grinding, once you can manage mining automation, bosses and pirates become easy but annoying events that keep spamming non-stop and generate loud noise later.
my thoughts for this mod:
- space station for resources exchanging, brand new way to get resources in early game, but it is not stable income most of the time
- resource sucker, a new fresh way for mining, although it is worse than ensured room which is also unlockable at the exact same timing
- runes puzzle, a unique challenge but cost your resources based on your current tech
- unique enemy pirates, although being annoying in later game, it does give you option to peace out a fight at cost of resources
- cave adventure, at current state, it has a little bug that your spaceship tiles can be deleted by mining stone nearby
- hostile events being too annoying and they show up too often, you can easily get tired dealing with them and get bored
- early game is heavily grindy and boring, in short, a vanilla game with building constraints, you have to smelt iron manually, tons of repeat actions and walking time, I almost quit because of this, it brings more boring chores than the challenge
- alarm is so loud and scary like the one in warptorio 2 expansion
This mod would be great if it has a better curve for automation. It is shamed that important techs to help your automation are locked behind blue&black science, the mod itself don't introduce some unique mechanics for automation until you grind so hard and so far.
Mods comparison for unique techs that serving identical function
- red science: factory floor
- green science: harvester and boiler room
Warp drive machine
- black science: spaceship floor 1, the "safe" room, without this tech, your works after many hours of grinding can be completely destroyed by overpowered pirates in early game, ruins the entire game experience for most players, masochists might enjoy it but idk
- blue & black science and Warpornium from cave: resource sucker and ensured room(replacement for harvester but locked so behind and you need only one of them)
On the moment you finally grind enough blue & black science, the mod offers you choices for resource sucker and ensure room, but it turns out ensured room always win, and resource sucker shouldn't never be played unless for the unique mechanic.
- simply setup electric mining drill in ensure room offers you better mining efficiency and lower power demanded
- cons: every deployment costs a little warponium fuel (you can gain them from spacestation)
- pros: you don't need to waste your valuable "spaceship tiles" like you do with resource sucker
- resource sucker requires higher power(thus more valuable space wasted for steam engine) and constantly attracts more bitters without pollution touching their nests
Resource sucker should be reworked and accessible at start of game, appears in a form of functional but unstable, and allow player to fix and improve their defective issue along tech progress/mission
for example, the game starts with a "partially broken resource sucker" machine, and 2 acid tiles
- 1Mw power cost at running per second, 60 seconds in total for single warp process (cost more power after upgrades)
- warp resource capped at 200 initially (upgradeable by researching)
- 50% fail chance for resource warping per processing, each failure leaks huge amount of pollution (upgradeable by warponium and missions)
- boostable by modules and beacons?
- cost some resources to get it back if one is destroyed or lost somehow
- max 1 resource sucker can be placed in a planet (upgradeable)
- don't constantly attract bitters, but on low chance, ocassionally it triggers an "earthquake"(player may notice) and a heavy siege from bitters
by researching, you can upgrade it into a better version ones, increasing max resource per warp, and power demand per second
- red science, allow you to craft "patched broken resource sucker" at cost of irons, coppers and "partially broken resource sucker"
- cost 2Mw/sec at running
- max resource per warp capped at 500
- green science.. and so on until the number eventually hits 10000, which is currently the amount for max resource per warp
special utility upgrade by mission/researching:
- increase success chance for resource sucker by warponium/mission to find important lost parts, player can eventually get to a point so it no longer fails
- increase max amount of resource suckers you may place at the same time in a planet by researching, max upgrade at ~4 machines
- ancient techs discoverable in cave, unlock resource sucker's max potential to be inserted with module, buffed with beacons, or allow it warps resources into "warp chest" instead of acid tile, thus the final form allows you to skip using mining drills