Void Block

by S6X

Start with nothing, build everything.

7 days ago

g Void Flux usage?

a month ago

First time playing the mod, and I'm really liking it so far! I'm however unsure about the general useability of Void Flux? I've only got Voidworks so far but I'm looking at all of the recipes that consume void flux essentially consume 10/s to double the production output. It helps in the fact that you need less inserters to take the stuff out, and I see that I can turn items back into voidflux, but I'm not seeing the big difference it makes? Or am I just looking at this with regular factorio brain?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Void flux is, essentially, stored crafting time. 10 void flux is equal to 1 second of crafting time. This adds a bit of flexibility, and being able to get rid of random ores and make your voidcraft go faster is also handy, but void flux starts getting really useful when you start researching void flux productivity technology, allowing you to get more than 100 flux out of each 10 second craft. In effect, this makes your whole factory faster, if you can keep the void flux flowing.

26 days ago
(updated 26 days ago)

Really enjoying the idea, first mod after a completely vanilla Space Age run to explore the new stuff. I'm just now breaking into more fluid-handling stuff, but I also found the void flux a little unintuitive at its current research level. Without the simplest circuit (flux > X) and a tank, it just comes in at such an early time where it's nearly irrelevant, as the power and space cost is the exact same to just double up your actual production buildings. Without spoiling anything, perhaps if it came a little later, the intention could be a little clearer? For me, the ebb and flow of the void crafting progression actually works remarkably well, so I suppose it made the void flux stand out as a little odd

26 days ago

This is more of an issue with Void Block than Voidcraft: if you're playing Voidcraft without Void Block, then you'll be able to unlock inverse voidcraft right afterwards and start turning extra ore/stone/coal into void flux. This isn't an option on the Void Block map, so maybe this part of the tech tree seems a little odd, but I didn't want to make any big changes to the Voidcraft tech tree between the standard map and Void Block.

26 days ago

That's fair. In the long scheme of things, this one small nit is probably irrelevant anyway. Thanks!

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