Vehicle Grid

by Optera

Adds a configurable equipment grid to any base or modded vehicle without grid.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Roboport on vanilla car only sometimes launches bots...?

4 years ago

Separate question, separate thread -- is there a trick to using roboport-enabled cars? I'm powering 2 cars with fusion cores, a pair of batteries, and 4 roboport mk2's each, with 100 conbots each. My intent is to relay them back and forth to a section of my base under construction, and leave the pre-kitted car in the middle of the ghost-diagrams to fill it in while I return to my crafting area to plan how much to put into the other car's inventory for the next set of blueprint stamps.

Apparently, I have to be sitting inside the car for the robots to reliably activate and spew forth from the car's inventory. When I'm outside of the car, the bots begin flying around less than 50% of the time. Is this an intentional feature, to sort of "balance" against how OP vehicle-equipped setups could become?

4 years ago

Please ask that in the official forums.
Vehicle grid only enables grids, how bots react to that is entirely core game mechanics.

4 years ago

Ok thanks

4 years ago

Construction bots from car work fine for me. Just make sure "enable logistics while moving" is enabled.

4 years ago

Hmm. I'll tinker with that setting. The symptom I seem to be getting is that on a seemingly random basis, bots won't launch unless I enter the vehicle myself. Leaving the vehicle behind to fill in a large field of ghosts and walking away sometimes sees those bots returning to the vehicle and then deactivating. I'm wondering if my issue correlates at all with the in-world age of the blueprints -- some of them I stamped down within the first 10 minutes of the playthrough, and I am vaguely aware of aged blueprint ghosts getting kind of sketchy on vanilla.

New response