Vehicle Grid

by Optera

Adds a configurable equipment grid to any base or modded vehicle without grid.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Picking up / mining car destroys any equipment attached to its grid

4 years ago

I scummed backward to an autosave, but returning a car to my inventory doesn't also load the vehicle equipment grid's contents into my player inventory. I suppose it's possible that this is intended behavior, but I'm posting here in case it is not.

4 years ago

That other thread is locked, so I'll comment here in response to reading it that I'd failed to see your final follow up, which was when you explained that re-positioning the vehicle back into the world will find its grid restored to its previous condition. I'll verify this in game at my next opportunity.

4 years ago

Unlocked original thread.
No need to keep me informed, I know how equipment grids work.

This thread has been locked.