Uranium Shotgun Shell

by Rhaane

Go green with shotgun shells fused with U-238.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Change of some values

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

First of all I think these should be in the base game so I'm happy to see this mod but the numbers you use are a little bit odd.
All other uranium amunition uses one U-238 to craft. Your mod uses 2 and I see no reason for this when even the big cannon shells only use one.
Second the uranium cannon shells do 2.6 times the damage of the cannon shell and the uranium rounds increases it by a factor of 4.8 compared to the piercing rounds.
I think instead of making the uranium spread out a little more you should increase the damage by a similar amount.

I have changed the numbers in my local version but I think it would be nice if it would be in the official version too.

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