Ultra Fast Inserters

by gmyx

A Faster collection of Stack and filter Inserters without any animations for lower CPU usage and movement speed. Now includes configurable inserters: move an item from any belt to any lane - over 5 belts! Moves items very fast.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Fixed] Click on a configurable inserter leads to crash

4 years ago


A game with Space Exploration 0.3 + Ultimate Belts + Ultra Fast Inserters. Upon placing and clicking on an Ultra Fast Configurable inserter I get the following error:

The mod Ultra Fast Inserters (0.1.4) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra::on_gui_opened (ID 84)
Unknown style number_input_textbox
stack traceback:
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra/control/commonGUI.lua:124: in function 'openGUI'
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra/control/commonGUI.lua:34: in function 'OnGuiOpened'
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra/control/commonGUI.lua:16: in function 'handler'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:335: in function 'pcall'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:355: in function 'dispatch_event'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:438: in function <stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:389>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/control/commonGUI.lua:124: in function 'openGUI'
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra/control/commonGUI.lua:34: in function 'OnGuiOpened'
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra/control/commonGUI.lua:16: in function 'handler'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:335: in function 'pcall'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:355: in function 'dispatch_event'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:438: in function <stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:389>

I will do a test in a sandbox environment without SE too, will return with the details.

Thank you!

4 years ago

Hum, this must be related to a recent release where they changed the look of some parts. Will have to take a look this weekend.

4 years ago

I see what changed. They moved a properly and renamed it. Testing an update now.

4 years ago

I just release a version that fixed this issue. please let me know if you find any others!

4 years ago

Thanks and sorry for the late reply, I didn't enable mail notifications and I just saw your replies. I will test it as soon as I start a new SpaceExploration game, and I will surely check the UFIs and keep you posted.

4 years ago

No worries, punishment for me taking so long to fix this :)

New response