Ultra Fast Inserters

by gmyx

A Faster collection of Stack and filter Inserters without any animations for lower CPU usage and movement speed. Now includes configurable inserters: move an item from any belt to any lane - over 5 belts! Moves items very fast.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g UPS / CPU usage - higher stack size vs rotation speed

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I was wondering why this mod (and every other similar mod out there) just changes the rotation speed of the inserter, but never the hand stack size?
I am just guessing here but would it not be more CPU efficient to transfer more items in 1 turn? For example 10x 50 items instead of 50x 10 items.

I have not looked at the code but it seems strange to me why all modded inserters just change the rotation speed. Is there a technical reason for that?

3 years ago

The hand stack size is mostly controlled by research. Each research adds to the stack size. I don't know if mods have direct access or has to reproduce manually the effects of research. Something that can be looked into.

3 years ago

I re-looked at the code. It is changable. I might add an extra research to add a multiplier (e.g. 2x, 3x, 4x). I would need to test to make sure it makes sense.

3 years ago

There are some reasons for rotation speed to be better all around:
- as far as I know a stack inserter can't pick up more than a stack and some items have low stack sizes (like rocket fuel)
- inserter can only pick up one item kind, so stack inserter may struggle to load an assembler etc from a belt with different items on each lane
- swing speed means a delay between inserter receiving pickup command and actually completing it, which means a single inserter with low swing speed will never be able to completely fill a belt lane
- when a loading a assembler that is frequently blocked (for example output is not removed fast enough), then next production cycle is limited by inserter swing speed, that delay is noticeable for high speed assemblers

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