UPS Friendly Nixie Tubes

Fork of Santa's Nixie Tubes, with effort to make it more UPS friendly.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

g Logistics Connection - Supported ?

1 year, 1 month ago

I'm trying to display a value in a tube via the connect to Logistics selection button, instead of wiring up a red/green wire.

It's staying as zero. If I connect a wire without changing the Enabled condition, it starts displaying the number. The wire is coming straight off a Roboport so i know the signal is present via the logistics network.

Is this a supported scenario? I really want to get rid of a few wires and the corresponding power poles (only used to connect the signal wires - playing SE/K2 so I have 64 length power connections but signal wires are still short so I have to run poles )

1 year, 1 month ago

Oh, interesting. I personally haven't used that feature (I didn't create the mod from scratch, just cloned and fixed things), so never ran into this, but it sounds like the code just isn't checking the checkmark's state to enable the whole thing -- likely an easy fix. I've been slammed with work and not playing lately, but I'll see if I can get this working properly this weekend. I've been meaning to dive back into this mod to fix some issues with being on a ship from SE as well.

As an aside, signal wires should be as long as their electrical equivalents, so 64 tile power poles should be able to transmit signal wires 64 tiles as well. Is that not what you are seeing? Or am I misunderstanding your issue?

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