Tweaks deprecated

by Twisted

Various gameplay tweaks and balances (fully configurable)

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

a Change Log

5 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

1.0.7 - 19th November 2021
Updated to Factorio 1.1.46 (Dirty port, let me know if any issues)
Added biter splitting option
Added spawners spawning acid/biters on death options
Added mixed ores option

1.0.6 - 14th July 2019
Updated to Factorio 0.17.56

1.0.5 - 2nd March 2019
Added Smaller Biter Hitboxes option

1.0.4 - 2nd March 2019
For real this time, invulnerable rails actually works
Added radar range settings
Added fast pickup tiles option
Added infinite resources option
Disabled gun/laser turret damage multipliers until I find a fix for 0.17
Fixed inventory size setting not applying and changed the default to vanillas 80
Reduced the number of portable solar panels with roboport start from 21 to 6
Removed automation 2 from quickstart techs

1.0.3 - 1st March 2019
Actually fixed invulnerable rails not working
Added friendly fire option

1.0.2 - 28th Feb 2019
Fixed invulnerable rails not working
Stopped the Quickstart option from removing your starting items

1.0.1 - 27th Feb 2019
Fixed auto update not working

1.0.0 - 27th Feb 2019
Initial Release

New response