Turtle Speed

This mod allows the player to toggle exoskeletons on and off. As of 0.17, this functionality is in the game on the menu bar by the quickbar.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Bob's mods crash

7 years ago

When using MK3 exoskeletons from Bob's mods the game crashes with the following error:

215.112 Error MainLoop.cpp:864: Exception at tick 16588160: Error while running event Turtle_Speed::turtle_speed_hotkey (ID 75)
Unknown equipment name: turtle-speed-exoskeleton-equipment-3
stack traceback:
Turtle_Speed/control.lua:82: in function 'toggleEquipmentOn'
Turtle_Speed/control.lua:61: in function <Turtle_Speed/control.lua:53>

7 years ago

Ok, it was just a load order issue. It's fixed now

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