Turret Delay

by withers

Turrets get a warm-up period after being placed.

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

b Variables not saved between loads

7 years ago

This will lead to guns not becoming active in SP and desyncs in MP

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

If you're not sure how to fix this, here is where you can find out about the global table which is where you will want to store your data in order to make it properly save between loads and different multiplayer clients :)

7 years ago

Bug #2 in data.lua

If your animation speed is 0 the "sound" entity will stay on the map. To fix this just set animation speed to 1

7 years ago

Bug 3 Hard coded player surface instead of entity surface in Play_sound

7 years ago

I fixed all the bugs and added some comments in the code so you can follow what is going on, feel free to check it out.

7 years ago

Fixed it. Thanks for the help!

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