Turret Combinator

Adds a combinator entity that will output information from nearby turrets to the circuit network.

3 years ago
Circuit network
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.1 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
455 users

THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY IN BETA - there may be bugs!

Adds a Turret Combinator (basically a copy of a constant combinator) that checks to see if there is a turret (gun, laser, or flamethrower) nearby (in this case, "nearby" means on the very next tile around the combinator). If there is, it will check if that turret is shooting, and if it is, will output true/1 on the "signal-turret-is-shooting" signal - a new signal that has TS as its icon. If the combinator is next to multiple turrets, it will output 1 if any of those turrets are shooting.

Note that turrets that don't have ammo or don't have power will still output 1 if there are targets in range, even though the turret isn't actually shooting.

The combinator itself cannot be altered - unlike a constant combinator you can't open the GUI to change what signals it outputs. It's locked to only send the turret is shooting signal.

This can be useful to disconnect laser turrets from the power grid when there aren't enemies nearby, or removing construction bots from roboports to prevent them from attempting to fix walls while biters are still attacking. These two cases are why I decided to make this mod.

I don't know how well this will perform if you have a lot of them. In theory it shouldn't cause too much lag, as it's basically just looping over all the turret combinators you have, checking all the turrets that it knows are next to it to see if any of them are firing, and then sets the signal. It doesn't update the list of nearby turrets on every tick, it only updates the list of nearby turrets on entity built.

This is a beta version of the mod, I don't know how much more I'm going to do with it unless I find a bug or if there's interest in additional features/functionality.