True Nukes

Adds realistic nuclear blasts, and more nuclear options, including various scales of atomic artillery shell, as well as atomic cannon shells. Also adds thermobaric weapons (these are like fuel air bombs), which act as early game nukes. Simulates the blast wave, thermal impact, crater and fireball of nuclear weapons.

1 year, 25 days ago
1.0 - 1.1

g [Bug - Fixed] After update how to get access to new rocket types?

3 years ago


I updated but I do not have access to the yellow rockets (4t, 8t) I see them in the research queue. The Very dangerous high-yield atomic weapons were research before the 4t and 8t rocket were introduced. Is there a trick to activate them or reset the research?


3 years ago

Ah, that's my bad, I should have added some migration scripts, and didn't... I forgot that would be a problem.
Try the new version, its migration scripts should patch the issue.

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the update. I updated to 0.1.15, but I still don not see the new weapons. Maybe its because I also use Realistic Fusion Power and RFP Addon: Weaponry and Kombat Drones?
For example for the 500t rocket the path is True Nukes > Kombat Drones
How I can find out that the migration script run?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hmm, interesting... is it just the 4t, 8t weapons, or does this include the 20t artillery shell too?
I'll have another check of the migration scripts, and see if I've messed them up, and try and expand them to cope with all the odd cases... there are quite a few more than I thought.
Would you mind executing the following command in the console (it will disable achievements, so feel free to load back afterwards, I just want to know whether it will work):

/c game.player.force.reset_technology_effects()

to bring up the console, use the ` key (just to the left of the 1 key on a standard qwerty keyboard).

3 years ago

the 20t artillery shell is missing to.

Before the command:
after the command:

I noticed that the nuclear weapon building is missing.

3 years ago

OK, great that command works... just replacing the migrations with it (so that its a one-liner)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hm, I updated the mod and loaded the save but . Looks like the command was not run 🤔

I am reading "Lua migrations allow altering the loaded game state. Typically this is done when recipes or technologies have changed. The game resets recipes/ technologies any time mods, prototypes, or startup settings change, so this does not need to be done in migration scripts." even more confusing :D

3 years ago

OK then I really don't know...
I have almost no knowledge of the migration system, but I think this should have worked.
What other mods are you using - maybe they are at fault?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I am using DeleteEmptyChunks, DirtyMining, DragonIndustries, FluidMustFlow, KS_Power, Kombat_Drones, Noxys_Trees, RealisticFusionPower, RealisticFusionWeaponry, RealisticReactors, True-Nukes, Unit_Control, WindSpeedChanging, bulkteleport, bullet-trails, concentrated-solar-power, vtk-cannon-turret, windturbines-2.

What I found out: I deactivated all mods except True-Nukes; loaded the game; created a save; then activated ks power; loaded the save; researched the technology; then build a diesel generator; saved; deactivated ks power and loaded the save again; this should have triggered the reset_technology_effects() but the yellow rockets were still not there. If I run the command manually the yellow rockets are there. Also the building.

3 years ago

Should be fixed now I think... although I have thought that several times before.
I think I needed to rename the migration script, as the game thought it had already been run.

3 years ago

looks good thank you. The only thing that is missing is the nuclear weapon building. But I think this is hidden because of the mod Realistic Fusion Power and RFP and / or RFP Addon: Weaponry [RFW].

3 years ago

The removal of the building is a deliberate choice by the developer of RFW, if you don't like it, you'd have to bring it up with them.
Other than that, glad everything is good!

New response