I am using DeleteEmptyChunks, DirtyMining, DragonIndustries, FluidMustFlow, KS_Power, Kombat_Drones, Noxys_Trees, RealisticFusionPower, RealisticFusionWeaponry, RealisticReactors, True-Nukes, Unit_Control, WindSpeedChanging, bulkteleport, bullet-trails, concentrated-solar-power, vtk-cannon-turret, windturbines-2.
What I found out: I deactivated all mods except True-Nukes; loaded the game; created a save; then activated ks power; loaded the save; researched the technology; then build a diesel generator; saved; deactivated ks power and loaded the save again; this should have triggered the reset_technology_effects() but the yellow rockets were still not there. If I run the command manually the yellow rockets are there. Also the building.