Treefarm-Lite v0.16/0.17

by Baedel

This mod enables you to cultivate trees and/or other plants. Published under the GPLv3 All thanks to the Treefarm and Treefarm-Lite creators drs, Blu3wolf, Treefarm Team

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Error when blueprinting belt over A. Treefarm

5 years ago

It shouldnt ,make any difference to most people but I figured I'd post it.

The mod Treefarm-Lite v0.17 caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Treefarm-Lite-fix::on_put_item (ID 9)
Key "column_count" not found in property tree at ROOT
stack traceback:
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:815: in function 'construct_farm_configuration_gui'
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1154: in function <Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1144>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:815: in function 'construct_farm_configuration_gui'
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1154: in function <Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1144>

5 years ago

Thanks for posting this bug, but I was not able to reproduce it.
Can you describe in more detail what you have done?

5 years ago

I was using ghosts of yellow belts to measure distances between advanced treefarms(as there is no border so easily space them like the basic ones. had conveyor belts in hand, shift down clicked on advanced treefarm instead of next to it.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

got the same error didn`t knew why but i was also building with blueprints, that contained belts so it might be possible but there were also a lot of other mods in that world...
An error message ocurred that said:

Error while running event Treefarm-Lite-fix::on_put_item (ID 9)
Key "column_count" not found in porperty tree at ROOT
stack traceback:
Treefarm-Life-fix/control.lua:815: in function
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1154: in function
stack traceback
[C]: in function 'add'
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:815: in function
Treefarm-Lite-fix/control.lua:1154: in function

Game version: 0.17.79
Mod version: 17.0.8
*sorry for the bad english, i`m from germany so english is not my first language

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