when I use this mod add to Uncontrolled Chaos pack and another mod
Has this message about recipe error
reached id limit for recipe. the game cant contain more than 65535 instances of this prototype due to hardcoded limits of the engine. see the log file for more detail.
this is my mod list
248k = "0.9.3",
AbandonedRuins = "1.1.4",
Advanced_Fishing = "0.0.1",
Aircraft = "1.8.4",
AircraftRealism = "1.3.3",
Armor_pockets = "1.1.0",
ArmouredBiters = "1.1.4",
AutoDeconstruct = "0.3.0",
Automatic_Train_Painter = "1.1.3",
BeltRouter = "1.5.2",
BetterAlertArrows = "1.0.0",
Blue-Ghosts = "1.1.1",
BlueprintTools = "1.2.1",
Bottleneck = "0.11.7",
BottleneckLite = "1.2.3",
BurntExtractor = "1.1.4",
ColorCodedPlanners = "1.0.1",
CursorEnhancements = "1.2.3",
Custom_Production_UI = "1.0.0",
DeadlockCrating = "1.7.0",
DeadlockLargerLamp = "1.5.0",
DedLib = "0.0.2",
DragonIndustries = "1.105.1",
EditorExtensions = "1.11.2",
Electric Furnaces = "2.4.11",
Electric-Weapons = "1.1.2",
Electric_Transformators = "2.3.0",
EmotesAndSpeechBubbles = "0.1.1",
EvenMoreTextPlates = "1.2.0",
Explosive Excavation = "1.1.8",
FARL = "4.1.2",
FNEI = "0.4.1",
FactorioExtended-Core = "5.301.1",
FactorioExtended-Energy = "5.302.1",
FactorioExtended-Equipment = "5.301.1",
FactorioExtended-Logistics = "5.301.1",
FactorioExtended-Machines = "5.301.1",
FactorioExtended-Trains = "5.301.1",
FactorioExtended-Transport = "5.301.1",
Factorissimo2 = "2.5.3",
Flare Stack = "2.2.10",
Flow Control = "3.1.3",
FluidMustFlow = "1.3.0",
FluidWagonColorMask = "1.1.0",
HelicopterRevival = "0.1.5",
KS_Power = "0.5.1",
LSlib = "2020.12.12",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.16.6",
Mining_Drones = "1.1.10",
MiscLib = "0.9.2",
ModuleInserter = "5.2.4",
NPBees2 = "2.2.12",
Nanobots = "3.2.16",
OmegaDrill = "0.2.2",
OmegaDrill_MK2 = "0.1.0",
Portable_power = "1.1.0",
PyCoalTBaA = "1.1.0",
RPGsystem = "1.2.0",
RTG = "1.0.1",
RailSignalPlanner = "1.1.0",
Rampant = "2.1.2",
Raven = "0.1.12",
ReStack = "0.7.1",
RealisticFusionPower = "1.8.9",
RecipeBook = "3.2.3",
RenaiTransportation = "0.9.0",
RitnLib = "0.5.2",
RitnWaterfill = "1.2.1",
Rocket-Silo-Construction = "1.2.2",
SchallAmmoTurrets = "1.1.0",
SchallArachnidPlatoon = "1.1.0",
SchallArmouredTrain = "1.1.0",
SchallArtillery = "1.1.1",
SchallCircuitGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallCombatRobotics = "1.1.0",
SchallGeowarfare = "1.1.0",
SchallGunPod = "1.1.0",
SchallInserters = "1.1.0",
SchallLampContrast = "1.1.0",
SchallLandMine = "1.1.2",
SchallMachineModification = "1.1.0",
SchallMissileCommand = "1.1.1",
SchallModulePlacement = "1.1.2",
SchallModules = "1.1.0",
SchallOilFuel = "1.1.1",
SchallPipeScaling = "1.1.1",
SchallPrimaryBattery = "1.1.0",
SchallRadioactiveWaste = "1.1.1",
SchallRailwayController = "1.1.4",
SchallRechargingWeapon = "1.1.0",
SchallRemainsPickup = "1.1.1",
SchallSatelliteController = "1.1.2",
SchallSuit = "1.1.1",
SchallTankPlatoon = "1.1.1",
SchallTransportGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallUraniumProcessing = "1.1.0",
SchallVirtualSignal = "1.1.2",
Shortcuts-ick = "1.1.22",
Silly-AbandonedRuins = "0.1.0",
Solar_Synthesis = "0.0.1",
Squeak Through = "1.8.2",
StorageTank2 = "1.0.0",
TraditionalChinese = "0.2.18",
Train_Control_Signals = "1.0.6",
Transport_Drones = "1.0.5",
True-Nukes = "0.2.1",
UncontrolledChaos = "0.1.4",
UncontrolledChaosGraphics = "0.1.0",
VehicleSnap = "1.18.4",
Warehousing = "0.5.3",
Wh40k_Armoury = "2.0.2",
Wh40k_Armoury_fork = "1.1.5",
Wood_Gasification = "3.1.0",
YARM = "0.8.203",
aai-containers = "0.2.9",
aai-industry = "0.5.11",
aai-programmable-structures = "0.7.3",
aai-programmable-vehicles = "0.7.16",
aai-signal-transmission = "0.4.4",
aai-signals = "0.6.1",
aai-vehicles-chaingunner = "0.6.1",
aai-vehicles-flame-tank = "0.5.1",
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler = "0.6.1",
aai-vehicles-hauler = "0.6.1",
aai-vehicles-laser-tank = "0.6.4",
aai-vehicles-miner = "0.6.1",
aai-vehicles-warden = "0.5.3",
aai-zones = "0.6.4",
alien-biomes = "0.6.5",
alien-biomes-hr-terrain = "0.6.1",
angelsaddons-cab = "0.2.8",
angelsaddons-mobility = "0.0.9",
angelsaddons-nilaus = "0.3.12",
angelsaddons-shred = "0.2.8",
angelsaddons-storage = "0.0.8",
angelsbioprocessing = "0.7.21",
angelsexploration = "0.3.13",
angelsindustries = "0.4.15",
angelsinfiniteores = "0.9.10",
angelspetrochem = "0.9.21",
angelsrefining = "0.12.1",
angelssmelting = "0.6.18",
auto-research = "5.2.1",
autocolor = "1.1.1",
base = "1.1.50",
beautiful_straight_bridge_railway = "1.1.1",
beltSorter = "0.9.1",
better-train-system = "0.1.1",
betterCargoPlanes = "1.3.7",
bigtruck = "1.0.0",
bobassembly = "1.1.3",
bobclasses = "1.1.0",
bobelectronics = "1.1.3",
bobenemies = "1.1.1",
bobequipment = "1.1.2",
bobgreenhouse = "1.1.0",
bobinserters = "1.1.0",
boblibrary = "1.1.4",
boblogistics = "1.1.3",
bobmining = "1.1.3",
bobmodules = "1.1.2",
bobores = "1.1.3",
bobplates = "1.1.3",
bobpower = "1.1.3",
bobrevamp = "1.1.3",
bobtech = "1.1.3",
bobvehicleequipment = "1.1.2",
bobwarfare = "1.1.3",
bullet-trails = "0.6.1",
bzcarbon = "0.0.1",
bzlead = "0.6.0",
bzsilicon = "0.7.3",
bztitanium = "1.0.0",
bztungsten = "0.4.2",
bzzirconium = "0.3.1",
car-optimizer = "0.0.7",
cargo-ships = "0.1.11",
cargo-ships-graphics = "0.1.0",
clock = "1.1.0",
combat-mechanics-overhaul = "0.6.20",
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders = "2.4.2",
deep-storage-unit = "1.2.14",
discovery_tree = "1.0.4",
electromechanical-combinators = "19.0.0",
equipment-gantry = "0.1.4",
ezlib = "0.1.7",
factorio-cooked-fish = "0.0.3",
fixLargeElectricPole = "1.3.0",
flib = "0.9.2",
floating-damage-text = "19.0.0",
fluid-memory-storage = "1.3.15",
fluid_permutations = "0.4.1",
grappling-gun = "0.3.1",
helmod = "0.12.5",
inbuilt_lighting = "20.1.11",
informatron = "0.2.2",
intermediate-bulk-containers = "1.0.0",
jetpack = "0.2.12",
kj_2a6 = "1.1.1",
kj_40kbaneblade = "1.1.6",
kj_40kbunker = "1.1.8",
kj_40kdreadnought = "1.1.16",
kj_40klemanruss = "1.1.9",
kj_40kpredator = "1.1.9",
kj_aventador = "1.1.6",
kj_b2 = "1.1.3",
kj_b17 = "1.1.10",
kj_balancer = "1.1.0",
kj_bf109 = "1.1.8",
kj_cybertruck = "1.1.4",
kj_delorean = "1.1.2",
kj_flag = "1.1.0",
kj_fordmustang = "1.1.2",
kj_fuel = "1.1.1",
kj_gigahorse = "1.1.0",
kj_ho229 = "1.1.5",
kj_horns = "1.1.4",
kj_ju52 = "1.1.8",
kj_ju87 = "1.1.7",
kj_kras_compat = "1.1.2",
kj_lightmachine = "1.1.4",
kj_maustank = "1.1.8",
kj_nuclearmine = "1.1.1",
kj_pak = "1.1.9",
kj_panzer4 = "1.1.9",
kj_rattetank = "1.1.9",
kj_rattetank_graphics = "1.1.1",
kj_rex = "1.1.1",
kj_servoskull = "1.1.3",
kj_streamevents = "1.1.1",
kj_tower = "1.1.2",
kj_utilitarian = "1.1.5",
kj_warrig = "1.1.6",
kj_wirbelwind = "1.1.0",
lightorio = "1.1.3",
logistic-memory-units = "1.0.8",
m-spell-pack = "0.19.10",
miniloader = "1.14.6",
more-fish= "0.0.1",
pyalienlife = "1.12.4",
pyalienlifegraphics = "1.3.3",
pyalienlifegraphics2 = "1.1.8",
pyalienlifegraphics3 = "1.2.5",
pycoalprocessing = "1.9.3",
pycoalprocessinggraphics = "1.0.9",
pyfusionenergy = "1.6.7",
pyfusionenergygraphics = "1.0.7",
pyhightech = "1.7.6",
pyhightechgraphics = "1.1.2",
pyindustry = "1.5.2",
pypetroleumhandling = "2.0.6",
pypetroleumhandlinggraphics = "1.0.10",
pyrawores = "2.2.7",
pyraworesgraphics = "1.0.9",
realistic-ruins = "0.0.2",
regenerate-terrain = "0.3.1",
repair-fish = "0.0.3",
reverse-factory = "8.1.2",
robot_attrition = "0.5.11",
rusty-locale = "1.0.16",
shield-projector = "0.1.3",
solar-calc = "0.2.31",
stdlib = "1.4.6",
textplates = "0.6.3",
turbinesplusplus = "0.1.7",
umr = "0.1.10",
unbarrel = "0.1.1",
underground-pipe-pack = "1.1.2",
yi_railway = "1.1.28",
z_yira_UP = "1.1.15",
z_yira_american = "1.1.13",
z_yira_yuokirails = "1.1.21"
When I remove this mod game can loads successfully
thank you and have a good day!