Hi, is there a circuit network tutorial for the Transport Network stuff?
I have a productionslines - the productions goes to the storage system and from there goes an output for other productionlines. http://bodenseejugend.de/Temporaeres_zum_loeschen/TransportDroneLoop.png
Problem, the drones dont go only to the productionlines and bring me the stuff in the storyge system - they go to the storage system output and bring it to the storrage input (for better understanding. imagin one chest and from this out to in, out to in circle). How can i say this red output depo is forbidden for this blue input depot?
And i miss seperate streets for multiple Railroutes that multiple streets routes work seperate. Or what are much better: colored lines for robot to say different rules, for say this have priority, to say this street only one way, to say from this blue depot you can go to this specific five red depots but never to other. (In RL there are factories with multiple colored lines at the floor for automatic robots - They scan the color and follow it like a railway).
It's a good mod but with this, the mod are incradable good.
More detailed:
General collored waylines at the street for generally multiple Streetnetworks (all streets are the same only the collored one block thik lines say networkroute one, two...
Every blue depot can have a seperate waypoint rulesystem. I click at a blue depo, click at advanced and click every red depot what can only interactive with it and a checkbox for otherside like black/whitelist switch. So long i have marked the depot - it sho me the drivelines
I think ist realy a cool idear - yes much work smile.