I have a setup where everything in my factory outputs 300 degree Used Coolant to the transport network. Said fluid is transported to a Coolant Processing facility where it's processed from 300 -> 200 -> 100 -> 25 degree used coolant.
The 25 degree used coolant is filtered to new, fresh coolant and output to the transport network.
The only place where less than 300 degree used coolant exists is within this processing facility. The transport network never sees anything but Pure Coolant and 300 degree Used Coolant.
In spite of this, when I output from the Requester Depot into a buffer tank of Used Coolant, I get less than 300 degrees. Right now, for instance, I have a tank full of 274 degree coolant.
I think it's a case of the transport network not knowing how to deal with the same fluid at different temps so it outputs random temps, making a mix. This breaks the coolant processing facility since it requires specific temperature spans to work.