yes, for the requester it is a nice challenge to balance it well.
(hint: relay stations which split the length of a long road into several shorter blocks)
but the provider always has the same size of 10x10 = 100 stacks and thus (depending on stacksize of those items) the provider will store up to 5k ore, 10k plates, 20k wires, and for some other items like tiles, walls, or if other mods change stacksizes, even 50k bricks, 100k walls, etc.
it IS possible to limit the capacity of the provider with the red cross if you use it only to provide one item type, but when a provider is used for several item types (yes, that's possible, very nice!), i would need to somehow balance the capacity for different item types.
for normal provider chests, this is easy by connecting wires and limiting capacity with conditions on inserters. this also would be useful to check the contents of depots, eg for attaching it to train networks, setting up LTN conditions, etc.
it still is possible to build counters and other logistic setups in front of provider depots and behind requester depots (to count items yourself), but that makes the system quite complicated, requires additional space and to build wires along all roads, and most of all requires the combinators and researches which might not be available for a long time in some games while you (especially in the early game) need to watch and limit amounts of items.
would it be possible to add the ability to connect wires to depots in this mod (and also for the mining depots in your other mod) ?
about the collisions: to avoid deadlocks, the roads would either have to be unnecessarily wide (which contradicts the advantages of this mod (eg when using it to replace a big bus), or you would have to introduce special road tiles to make oneway roads or at least have some kind of oneway gates to direct traffic and avoid frontal collisions on highways. (i would not be opposed to this at all and would like to build road networks with lanes for different directions :-)
you already have changed the behavior of biter groups (described in some FFF) because of this exact reason and now allow them to stand and walk on top of each other when the space is tight. please don't add this problem back in this mod.
tricks like having the first few roadtiles in the direction towards the destination to lure drones into those roads might be possible (i used that method on the original TT, before TTD and OTTD) but tricks like that are only "dirty tricks" and are not reliable enough for permanent unsupervised factories with large volumes of transport.