Train Control Signals

by Klonan

Simple ways of controlling trains.

3 years ago

g depo gets skipped even if next stop is disabled

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

hey! are you still supporting this mod?
i have the problem that my depo station is skipped even if the next station isnt available. i thought it would only get skipped if the next station IS available. not sure if im doing something wrong or its a bug :/ trainlimits are enabled. refueling works. hope you can help o7

edit, it was a mistake on my part. i shouldnt actually disable the station, but set the trainlimit to 0 via circuits. works now. thanks for the nice mod

1 year, 10 months ago

Yeah i had the same problem, and also fixed it with not disabling the station and setting the train limit instead. But I think it should work with disabled stations as well if it's technically possible.

1 year, 9 months ago

It is a technical limitation, from the mod description:

NOTE: the depot signal does not work with Circuit network disabled stations, as the base game does not dispatch the train.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

it's fixed by removing the disable enable circuit condition and add a circuit arrangement to set the train limit to the station instead

10 months ago

I am confused by the Depot signal as well. I use a bunch of trains of scheme F, which is

1 Refuel

2 Park Position

3 Demand

4 Resupply

My Idea was, it getting fuel, parks to have as high reach as possible to unload, immeadiatly reload and then either refuel if need be, drive back to a demand station or non of any go to parking. But the trains stop at the supply station and blocking any other trains to restock - and basically nullifying any of my parking positions.

I initially used enable/disable stations to direct trains, but due to the mod, also put the train limit to them - which never resulted in any of my expected behaviour. Unless i misunderstood something, this is not supposed to be?
Only seem to work once, when the train wants to leave the re-supply station, all other 3 stations are either skipped or limited. Manually checking and unchecking the "enable/disable" flag of the demand station triggers the train to move to the deposit.

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