Train Counter to File Mod

Mod find trains and will write the amount of trains with possible substitution to a file specified in the mod settings

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.3.3 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 0.18
Downloaded by:
11 users

Train Counter to File

Useful tool for streamers


Mod find trains by them starting or stopping and will write the amount of trains to a file set in the mod options (%Factorio%/script-output/trains.txt)

Ingame settings:
- Enable, To enable/disable the functionality of this mod aka decrease ups drops because of file system changes when 1000s of trains are changed every second
- SubString, To substitute $t with the amount of trains, rest is a free string
- Location, The location where the file should be saved, always a folder/file under %factorio%/script-output


The changes the mod has gone trough


  • Updated to work on 0.18.x


  • Re-added the substitution option and file location option


  • Rewriten for ease of use and new factorio version


  • Removed a local variable in the script
  • Made sure the variable is changed to a same value for everyone on mod update


  • Fixed desync when a state occured between joining and finishing catching up


  • Fixed desync and invalid state on join errors by changing startup from using on_nth_tick to using a global on_nth_tick with a second variable to determine if saving is necessary


  • Initial release
  • new Event system
  • new way to detect trains
  • more efficient and direct saving to file


The events used by the mod (for performance reasons noted here)


This function will trigger on creation of a map this mod is added in
It will make sure all variables used by the mod are initialized


This event will trigger on load of the game except when a new mod is added to the save bug factorio?
When loading the mod will make sure to tag the next mod iteration as a save iteration where the file should be overwritten


This event will trigger whenever an entity has died
If this entity was part of a train, recalculate trains


This event will trigger whenever a player changes their force
Saves the new trains file for this player (most important when force restriction mode is enabled


This event will trigger whenever a player mines an entity
If this entity was part of a train, recalculate trains


This event will trigger whenever a train is created/merged/separated
Recalculate trains


This event will trigger after every nth tick
I use this event to delay after destruction or mining of a train. since the entity invalidates AFTER the event

Old 0.1.x versions

Mod find trains by them starting or stopping and will write the amount of trains to a file ('%Factorio%/script-output/stream_data/train_amount.txt')


The changes the mod has gone trough


  • Updated for 0.16.x


  • Should fix an error whenever you try to load the new version into an already existing map


  • Added a mod option called "SubString"
  • This is the text that will be saved by the mod to the file, use "$t" to get the amount of trains in there.
  • Option defaults to "$t"
  • Example: "We now have $t trains" will output "We now have 5 trains", if you had 5 trains, to the file


  • Updated for 0.15.x


  • Something made the game crash for saves where the mod was already in, so i updated it to check if variables already exist in new versions and they will now be removed before being re initiated.


  • Fixed a typo that crashed the game on removing of trains (error was in the on_tick loop)


  • Made sure the file is resaved on load of a save so the accurate number is displayed for the world
  • Checking for invalid files and checking to save after load are now done every 2 seconds


  • Removed dependency on base mod (since it doesn't really matter)
  • Made sure that every second invalid trains were removed instead of every tick


  • Initial release


The events used by the mod (for performance reasons noted here)


This function will trigger on creation of a map this mod is added in
It will make sure all variables used by the mod are initialized


This event will trigger on load of the game except when a new mod is added to the save bug factorio?
When loading the mod will make sure to tag the next mod iteration as a save iteration where the file should be overwritten


This event will trigger every tick of the game
The mod will check if it is ready for the next iteration (every 120 ticks - aka 2 seconds)
If a mod iteration is onging:

  • The trains are validated (if they are removed or changed) and will overwrite the file if needed
  • It will also check if the iteration was tagged as a save iteration and if so it will overwrite the file


This event will trigger whenever a train starts or stops moving
If this train was not already in the list of trains, add it and overwrite the file


This event will trigger whenever mod option has changed
Edits the substitution string used for saving to file and marks the mod so it will save next iteration