Total Automization

by Klonan

Add RTS units and deployment mechanics.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Units are too weak and have too weak armor

5 years ago

Units are too weak and have too weak armor. Useless even at the beginning of the game. I wish this mod could control any units from any mods.

5 years ago

I am balancing the units.

The Mod can control any units from any mods

5 years ago

Then why I could not control the usual tank?

5 years ago

Tanks are not units, they are tanks

5 years ago

Tanks are units, and AAI allows you to control them. Your mod is not. Also, the technique of your mod is not effective.

5 years ago

They are not units, he is controlling them with different scripting.

My mod cannot control them, because internally they are not units, they are cars and tanks. My mod does not implement any special scripting as he does to control tanks and cars.

My mod is effective at the goal of the mod, to control units. Any entity which is internally a unit can be controlled, including the biters in the game (If you join the enemy team).

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Okay, but this does not negate the fact that the result achieved by your units does not justify the money spent on them. Artillery in a small amount cannot cope with several hives without large losses, while the character with a pistol with yellow cartridges easily copes with this. At the latest levels of the game, your units will not even be able to get close to the hives, they will not even be able to protect the base. Please make units effective at high levels.

5 years ago

Yes I will, they were balanced against the old biters and spitters.

Also there is some bug or something with the acid from the worms and spitters, that it does way too much damage.

So in the next version I will make them all immune to the damage from the acid on the ground, and also buff their health and make the damage affected by the research.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Could you add to the damage increase research also another research line for armor and life?

To bad that i cant control all units with your mod.

5 years ago

You can control all units, if that mod has not specifically disallowed controlling units.

What mod has units you cannot control?

Adding research for armor and life is not possible currently in the game engine

5 years ago

You can always change the game engine without breaking anything.

5 years ago

You had the discussion with krivougolnik before. Tanks are not units, but your mod adds also tanks, robots which are controllable.
I am using Schall Tank Platoon maybe adding later Colonists and Robot Army.

5 years ago

Colonist Army gives me this Error:

Error while running event ColonistsArmy::squad-click-1 (ID 158)
LuaUnitGroup API call when LuaUnitGroup was invalid.
stack traceback:
ColonistsArmy/robolib/robotarmyhelpers.lua:691: in function 'findSquadByEntity'
ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:76: in function 'onSelectSquad'
ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:98: in function <ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:96>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/robolib/robotarmyhelpers.lua:691: in function 'findSquadByEntity'
ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:76: in function 'onSelectSquad'
ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:98: in function <ColonistsArmy/prototypes/gui/gui_events.lua:96>

5 years ago

Tanks are not units, but your mod adds also tanks, robots which are controllable.

They are units that just look like tanks and robots, internally they are units

5 years ago

Colonist Army gives me this Error:

This is a bug on colonist army behalf, my script is not even mentioned in the log

5 years ago

Ah ok, thought it was an incompatibility because i ordered them around with Select Unit from your Mod Unit Control and then i got this crash.

Too bad. I would really like to Unit Control also a Tank Control which when both installed use the same Icon. I tested AAI but yours seems more handy. AAI is for Tanks your is only for Units.

5 years ago

I wouldn't say the units are too weak.
If you automate production of them (and surely you have!) then moar dakka will solve your problems.

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