Todo List

This mod adds a todo list to the single- and multiplayer game to allow players to synchronize their work.

1 year, 3 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Subtask

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

is there a way to create a subtask? like i make a note to improve base deffense, but where? I could put it in notes, but that would mean ill ahve to delete taht after im done, if you could make task "Improve base def" and create subtasks to that task "north def" , "south coal mining" and then check them as you go about that. I know you can make separate tasks for each, but since they fall under base deffense anyway it would be nice to have them together

Or adding icons to tasks, i feel that would help with distinguishing tasks from eachother, like vanilla trainstops

edit: nevermind im just dumb for not noticing and not knowing how they work since they are already there...
icons would still be dope tho

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