Todo List

This mod adds a todo list to the single- and multiplayer game to allow players to synchronize their work.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b No buttons

6 years ago

Started a new map in multiplayer for .17 and unfortunately there are no buttons on the bottom of the GUI. Can't make new tasks or anything rendering the mod useless. Also tried in singleplayer to no avail.

6 years ago

Okay.. I also started a new map for .17 and it worked just fine.

Do you have other mods installed that change UI? Or is the GUI bigger than the screen?

I'll try to reproduce this here.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Standard 100% GUI scale on a 1080p monitor in fullscreen. I have several mods so it could be any of them and the person I'm playing with also has the issue so it's most likely a mod conflict. The ones that make new gui elements are FNEI, helmod, evogui and YARM. Both FNEI and YARM place their elements below yours
Screenshot for reference:

6 years ago

Hmm okay. Thanks for the screenshot.

This is really strange as there are no options to disable these buttons.

What is the little grey rectangle below the todo list window?

Can you please try to open the mod settings and change the window size to something really small (150 or so)?

6 years ago

The button is the placeholder for YARM. It opens and closes the GUI showing your tracked resources but doesn't work until you start tracking something and requires some research. I changed the window height in the mod settings from the (default?) 600 to 150 and it worked. I went all the way up to 550 where the buttons start to come off the window. I'll leave it at 500 for now and adjust it if needed. Thanks for the help!

6 years ago

Awesome, thanks for trying.

Then the behaviour actually makes sense... It seems that the space for mod UIs on the left is limited in size... And the YARN button basically marks the bottom end.
This is good to know.

What would you think if the Todo list shows in the center (like FNEI does?)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago) -- Ghosted watermark is overlay tooltip for Discord. Recently started multiplayer playthrough.

Similar issue. Different palette of mods, but same outcome in-re other mod buttons crowd this out.

Doesn't v0.17 allow for mods to interface directly to the toolbar in the bottom center of the screen? Possible interim fix pending greater understanding of api hooks: hotkeys, possibly explained on mouseover tooltip of mod?

6 years ago

I personally like it being in the upper left, that way I can leave it toggled on to remind myself of things versus having to constantly check back. For as long as I can remember there has been an issue with modded gui elements going in two directions and in an ideal world everyone would agree on a standard. Adding in things like fat controller, ion cannon, bob's inserters button and clock, etc makes for quite a mess in the top left corner of the screen! I hope eventually the devs implement the ability to move gui elements similar to Cities Skylines so we can customize things. Factorio with the toolbars on the side would be a dream.

Another crazy idea would be to make it one of the new big buttons in the bottom right with copy, paste, etc.

6 years ago

What would you think if the Todo list shows in the center

what might be best for one user might be worst for another ...
there are several mods which have a mod setting to select between left/top/center.

6 years ago

Well.. there is some form of standard for this with mod_gui.

It provides a space at the top for all the buttons and a space on the left for all the frames.

It just seems that not all mods follow this and the space is actually smaller than the screen size.

Anyway. I added to check integration into the toolbar.
I also check the YARN code to see if it is a YARN specific problem or a more general one.

6 years ago

While playing with it I noticed having FNEI open also caused the issue. The best course of action would probably be a request to the devs to allow GUI elements to go to the bottom of the screen. As it stands now it seems to stop them between 2/3 and 3/4 of the way down and it feels arbitrary

6 years ago

I opened a thread in the forum. It seems to be a more general issue.

The alternative would be to have todo list in the center and then shift it to the side artificially. It should be over the other mods then but this would make it even less usable...

6 years ago

I tried with the new update of YARM and the two sit side by side now which is different. Funnily enough though it still doesn't fix the main issue, setting the height back to default 600 causes no buttons to appear. I wonder if in the end it's the fault of FNEI's button and dropdown menu? 500 still works and like you said this seems to be a base game issue so hopefully it gets some attention when the bugs die down. Thanks for all your hard work!

6 years ago

Hum.. this proves that fnei is also not using the mod-gui flow :D

I'm honestly curious about the devs response to this. Because as I understood it mod GUI is made to solve exactly this problem.

Let's see if we can get fnei to also adopt it :D

6 years ago

Same thing happened to me. New save in .17 and only even distribution and vehicle snap installed

6 years ago

Okay thanks for the report.

Did the solution work for you?

It seems that depending on the resolution the space for mods is really heavily reduced :/

6 years ago

I set window width to 150 and it solved the problem. FYI I use a 1366x768 monitor. Great mod and thanks for the immediate response!

6 years ago

150 is really low.. you could try to increment by 50 and see when it breaks :)

You're welcome. I'm glad you like it :9

6 years ago

I also had this problem. Changing window size from default 600 to 500 worked for me. Buttons went from all gray to regular buttons with text. Thanks for being responsive to issues. This ToDo List is a fantastic addition to the game. I use it all the time.

6 years ago

Glad you are happy with it :)

5 years ago

playing solo i have no need for this, but when playing with friends damn i can't count how many times since v14 this has happened:
guy1: "hey i made electricity production"
guy2: "oh i already made a 4 boiler setup"
guy3: "but i have a 2 boiler setup here"

New response